We are excited to share our events for the 2024 season!
The Spring Festival will be on Saturday, May 11th from 10:00am-4:00pm and will have a rain date of Sunday, May 12th.
Come join us for our annual Spring Festival!
Local vendors selling honey, photography, paintings, handmade crafts, jewelry, delicious baked goods and more will be available!
We will also have our spring flowers and vegetables ready just in time for Mother’s Day!
The event will have a rain date of Sunday, May 12th, from 10:00am-4:00pm if need be!
This event is free for the public.
If you are interested in being a vendor please only contact Jocelyn Emin at the number listed below or 7cedarsfarmri@gmail.com.
People other than Jocelyn Emin commenting about vending availability in posts are NOT affiliated/in charge of the event.
If you have any questions regarding the event please call 401-536-0879 for more information.
Parking will be off of John Mowry Rd. Take John Mowry Rd off of 116 (there will be parking signs) to park behind the green house on the left! NO PARKING ON 116.
This event page is the only event page directly linked to Seven Cedars Farm and is the original event page for the Festival.
Check back here or on our Facebook page for updates on events.
Dogs are allowed on leash!
Touch-A-Truck will be held on June 1st with a rain date of June 2nd and will run from 10:00am-2:00pm. It is $5 per family.
Our Fall Festival will be on September 21st with a rain date of September 22nd and will run from 10:00am-4:00pm.
For anyone interested in being a vendor please email us at 7cedarsfarmri@gmail.com any other email, Facebook message application, etc is a fraud account. We only send applications via the email address listed.